Name: | Amive |
Platform: | WordPress |
Coder/Designer: | Zinruss |
Coder/Designer URL: | |
Description: | Amive is a free Wordpress theme specially created for movie blogs. |
| Amive is a 6 columns on homepage and 2 columns on subpages, widget and 125×125 banners ads ready. This theme have an in-build slider and blog owners can put whatever they want to promote via theme option page. |
Theme Features: | 2 columns, 6 columns, Blue, Fixed width, Options page, Plugins required, |
| Right sidebar, Rounded corners, White, Widget ready. |
Instructions: | - |
| |
Compatible: | |
Tags: | 1 Sidebar, 2 Column, 6 Column, 3 column footer, Ads Ready, Blue, Featured Content, Fixed Width, Gallery, Right Sidebar, Slider, White, Widget Ready, wordpress |
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